Flora Places

From the Top


Fauna Places

Mind’s Eye

What is your intention when you take a photo?

What idea are you trying to convey, and how do you translate your thoughts into an image?

How do you take what you see with your eyes and make your camera see the same thing?


Fauna Flora People Places


Continuing on with the “line” theme (well, loosely anyway) I decided to change things up this week and shot mostly at a wide normal focal length; 8.8mm on the LX3.

I have really enjoyed shooting the last few weeks. Restricting myself to only shooting only what I can see as a “line” has actually freed me to be more creative than I could otherwise be.

Of course all that goes back to the idea that constraints enhance creativity. If you still haven’t read A Lesser Photographers Manifesto, you really should. (Just be aware that his site is sometimes hard to connect to.)

So for now I will continue to look for lines, at least until I can think of something else to shoot.

Flora Places Weather


One thing I really like about my LX3 is the manual focusing. There is a “focus” button on top to do an auto-focus over-ride which can help make manual focusing faster. But what is even better is an on screen DoF scale. The focus range changes with aperture and focal length to make hyperfocal focusing quick and easy.

Flora People Places

La Plata